Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Cheese and pickle?

I’m so excited about the sandwich I made myself for lunch today. It’s potato bread, Dijon mustard, baby spinach, cheddar cheese and ploughman’s pickle (which is sort of like chutney.) Yum! The Dijon added some lovely depth. I first had cheese and “pickle” sandwiches when we were in England last summer and I couldn’t get enough of them. The best was Wensleydale cheese, carrot chutney and arugula on multigrain bread. We learned that in England, when you ask for pickles, you get chopped up fruits and vegetables in a sticky dark vinegary sauce, kind of like chutney. When Junior asked for pickles for her hamburger at one pub, she got a very confused look from the bartender. After some discussion (seriously, we should have brought an English-English dictionary with us)he realized what she really wanted were called gherkins. And he was still confused. Why would you put THAT on a hamburger?


Daddy said...

wait, i'm confused, will this blog be about any sandwich or just the mondayh night sandwiches?

Rebecca said...

It's about Sandwiches I Have Loved. I don't just eat them once a week, after all

Anonymous said...

Cold sandwiches are NOT 2nd class citizens of the sandwich universe. They deserve just as much attention as all your precious hot sammys get. Stop discriminating!

Daddy said...

i'm going to have a cold sandwich right now and when i get half done, i'm going to toast it and eat the rest hot.

Rebecca said...

You're such a diplomat, Peter. Not like Ethan. Whoops! I mean Anonymous. He's a hot sandwich hater. Or a cold sandiwch lover, if you are one of those glass half full types.

Daddy said...

i really did that, you know. made a cold sandwich hot. i now think of myself as a diplowich.