Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Porketta Dreams

We didn't get a chance to cook the porketta for our pulled pork sandwiches until last night. I never realized how hard it is to sleep with a crock pot of spicy pork cooking just downstairs. I had some crazy dreams, that's for sure. One involved trying to turn down a gas fireplace because I was too hot. That's not too hard to interpret. But why did the fire turn to a little pile of crystal that looked like a chunk of coral when I turned it down?


Anonymous said...

AHA! first post.

I can't interpret your dreams, but I can tell you that in my dream, my family was grilling chicken on a rubber raft on an ocean that had been a parking ramp earlier in the dream. I think it is lunar, not pork-related, as my house smells of dog, not crock-pot-of-goodness.

Megan said...

I can't wait to hear how the pulled pork sammies turn out!

Daddy said...

don't blame that dream on the pork, i know it was the BAD MOONSHINE YOU WAS DRINKIN'!

Rebecca said...

Or the nasty cold I was brewing...starting to feel better now, though.