Monday, October 13, 2008

I've got egg on my face...

When I left work on Friday the turkey club was holding a substantial lead in the Sandwich Night poll. When I went to check the blog later on Friday night to find out the winner, I discovered that our internet was out. And it stayed out all weekend. So, I trusted the early returns and exit polls and went on with planning for the turkey club.
I roasted a fresh turkey breast, fried up two pounds of bacon, bought lovely tomatoes and lettuce at the farmer's market, ripened up some avocados and got Trader Joe's sourdough and A Baker's Wife sliced peasant bread.
When I was finally able to check the blog this morning, imagine my shock to see that hot roast beef had a late surge and won the poll. Who are all those roast beef voters? Were they undecided until the last minute? Were they confused by the butterfly ballot?
Well, sorry to disenfranchise you like Katharine Harris and William Rehnquist, but we're having turkey clubs tonight, people. And you will like them!
And, in deference to you Florida voters, I will honor the final vote count and serve hot roast beef at the next Sandwich Night. Happy now?

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