I met friends at the Citizen Cafe for breakfast and I decided to try their fried egg sandwich. It was very simple--too simple for my overblown taste buds, perhaps. It had one over hard egg, two homemade sage and pork sausage patties and some butter on a ciabatta roll. The sausage was really tasty--delicately flavored and not too salty or greasy. The sandwich actually worked, once I settled into it, but some hot sauce would have been nice. Hee hee!
Then, I had to follow my prosciutto panini yearnings for lunch. I made two sandwiches since I was cutting off the narrow end of the bread, you know.
i know this isn't Sandwich News per se but I thought you should know, they just opened a new restaurant about half an hour south of here called Montreal French Fries and they sell all varieties of Canadian Gravy Fries, including the kind that come smothered in melty cheese curds. naturally we'll go soon but I am thinking we gotta get you out there next time you're in Mass. it's not that far from Plymouth so perhaps we could make it a PILGRIMage trip. I know how you enjoy combining melted cheese and american history into one road trip.
I'm with you Cora! I'm pushing for her to come out the weekend of Oct. 25 for Gracie's birthday. And, you will be pleased to hear that Gracie is celebrating her birthday at the Boston University pool! Perhaps Gravy fries should be on the menu with birthday cake.
There are Gravy Fries in Massachusetts!?!
Why have I not been there yet?
Directions, please.
all star sandwich bar...cambridge. Let's meet there with Rebecca, beth and Cora when they come to town in October! :)
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