Yes, yes we did indeed enjoy the fabulous grilled eggplant parmesan sandwich a couple of weeks ago.
I went with the unorthodox suggestion of grilling the eggplant rather than frying it. Why? Because grilled eggplant is fabulous. Slice the eggplant into think slices, then salt it down and let it drain for half an hour or so, then rinse it, pat it dry and brush it with olive oil, then grill it for the most succulent, creamy and delicious thing ever.
But on to the rest of the sandwich. I took an whole loaf of ciabatta, split it lengthwise and spread the open parts with garlic butter. That went into the broiler to get crispy. Beth made a light tomato sauce from all the stuff we had canned lately. We spread a little tomato sauce on the bread, layered on some eggplant slices, then more sauce and provolone and parmesan cheese. Rinse and repeat, then top with the rest of the bread. I wrapped the whole thing in foil and put it in the oven to melt. Then we sliced it into pieces. Yum!
I served it with a salad made with cantalope, onion, feta cheese and lettuce with an herb vinaigrette. Really, it was the perfect late summer sandwich meal.
The company wasn't bad either--Karen and Kate (the regulars) and our friend Marcia, a sandwich night newbie who withstood the meal and our constant ribbing about her recent "not date." Yeah right. Angie, unfortunately, had to bow out with a summer cold. And I know those suck since I've got one right now.
What's next? Karen drew the next one for the Heroes Season 2 premier on September 24 and it's CALZONE!
(Take that, mr. anonymous)
mmm that sounds like a good sandwich. Hey, I finally got around to trying a grilled chocolate sandwich at the fair last friday. Good stuff. Here are the photos of both Lyndon and I enjoying our tasty sandwich.
I just love that you accidentally put think slices instead of thick slices. Eggplant is the thinking person's sandwich. Not our usual meat and potato deliciousness.
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